Sunday 26 May 2013

Treebeards Last Battle

In the forest, where the trees are alive, and they talk to each other, and the debate and argue and ruminate or the slightest of details. A darkness was spreading. And soon it looked as if all of the trees were going to be at war. And that there would be no room or debate, argument, or rumination.

Because they were going to have to fight themselves, because the darkness was changing some of the trees into black, grotesque trees. Tree's that weren't really trees. Trees that were infected by a virus. A virus that turned the most elegant, strong and noble of trees. Into dark, shallow creep black, snapping creatures.

Instead of flowing through the ground with swift, and subtle grace, these trees were lumbering, smashing creatures. And when they opened their tree mouths, instead of the beauty of mother nature behind them, as it is with a regular tree. The mouths had a fire behind them, and that fire was the cause of the poison that turned the trees into tree monsters.

As it is in their nature to council before taking any action, an emergency meeting was held in the centre of the forest. All of the head trees were surprised at how urgently the meeting was called and were annoyed at the demand for swiftness, for they had yet to hear of the coming danger.

The most reluctant of them all was one of the oldest trees, one that had survived back when this magical land was called middle-earth, who had seen war, reluctantly, more times than any other tree in the land. He had seen the rise and fall of man, over and over, throughout time, he had seen tiny creatures accomplish great things. He helped to overthrow the greatest darkness that the world had ever seen.

And so, when this emergency meeting was called. Treebeard, did not want to go.

Instead, he lumbered his way at slow pace, at his pleasure, to the centre of the forest, pausing whenever it suited him, to appreciate areas of the forest that he had not been to in hundreds of years. He past by where an old tower once stood, only to be replaced by a large tree that stood taller than a tower ever could. He spent quite a while at that location, and remembered all that was worth remembering. He was the last of that time. All others of that time had chosen to move on, it was so long ago, but, Treebeard knew, that he could never leave his forest.

After about six months when the call for the emergency meeting had been called. Treebeard arrived at the centre of the forest. Where instead of a meeting, There was a slaughter happening. Apparently the trees had been waiting for him, since he was the oldest. When they were attacked. Treebeard looked in horror at what he was watching. He had never seen such a horror. Never once, in his life, no one had.

The trees were taken by surprise of what had hit them, in a cloud of ash and fire, these trees were being overtaken by large cracking black trees. The force came from the south east. With each advancing movement, which was far faster than Treebeard had ever seen a tree move before, these vicious tree monsters were breaking off parts of themselves in order to gain a momentum. Keeping two large limbs together to smash into the earth and propel themselves. As they did, black bark went crashing and flying through the forest, slicing into anything it's way.

Treebeard watched in horror, as he couldn't get there in time to save any or his friends. One by one as the monstrosities turned his friends into them, taking away their souls of nature. And leaving them as a great fire shell, of what they used to be.

Treebeard was feeling sentimental, perhaps it was his visit to the TreeTower. And the memories of his last battle. And he knew that inside himself, there was more of nature's soul than any other tree.

“This, cannot be allowed” was all he said. Before turning around and heading for the TreeTower. He hoped that he had enough of a head start before the Zombie Ents would over take him. As he moved as fast as he could, he called to all the creatures or the forest, to head to the Tree Tower.

All of the animals, creatures good and bad, heeded Treebeards call, as he had not once, in the full history of thier memory. Ever asked for anything, let alone with urgency. The forest knew, that they had to obey Treebeards command.

The Zombie Ents were closing in on him, and he wasn't sure he could make it to the TowerTree in time, And for the first time in his life. Treebeard, jumped, and ripped himself out of the forest. At no small price did he do this. He knew though, that he had to save the forest.

He landed at great speed at the base of the TowerTree. Where upon he started to rip up the long, glowing roots of the tree.

“Forgive me” He begged.

All of the creatures and remaining Ents converged with Treebeard, who threw out pieces of the roots to them. They knew what to do with them. The TowerTree was grown to stop all great evil forces the world had to offer, for never again would they allow man, goblin, wizard or Saurons to destroy their forest.

Treebeard, weak from his jump, still took the largest piece of root. As the TowerTree started to give out, the Zombie Ents arrived.

“Hold them off!” Treebeard cried. And they ran towards the black mass of death and destruction that had come for their lives.

A large, gargantuan Zombie Ent, who had once been Treebeard's friend, went straight for Treebeard, who slashed him with the giant glowing root. And then the army of them collapsed and chaos ensued. And many lives were lost, the slashing and daring bravery of Treebeard inspired the rest of the forest to hold the line. They knew they had to hold on for just a little bit longer.

Until the TowerTree fell. A large straining noise was heard, followed by a thunderous crack. And then the air stood silent, and the TowerTree fell, crashing into the ground. And all magic of the forest, Ents, both Zombie and true...

Ceased to exist.

1 comment:

  1. I thought this was going to make me angry, but it didn't. Turned out rather beautifully.... Especially the ending.
